18. visit

This week we were visited by the coordinator of the Presbyterian Health Center. We had met twice before: at the transfer of the hospital beds to the Siniensi clinic and at the ‘official thank you’ that was linked to that. On that last occasion, he had promised us to come back with a psychologist. And this week was the day. 

They had many questions that Richard and I answered in the office. Then they started walking around and talked to some of the children. One of the questions was: What do you do with the children? They all smile and look radiant. Well, actually we don't do much: They can be who they are, and we teach them at their own level. We appreciate them and love them! And we challenge them, of course! 

That's what makes children grow! 

Then they told me a story about what some parents do with newborn disabled children: They give it to someone in the village, who then puts the child in the bush to die there. Or they poison the child. I was shocked by that. Means for us, that we must start quickly with a workshop about these children. We will definitely start in Siniensi, because we only have one child from Siniensi at school. And we know there are many more.


19. developments


17. ‘emergency’ kitchen