On Tuesday July 4th 2023 we had a very important visit: The MCE, honourable Madam Vida Anab, together with district coordinator Mr. Godfred K.B.Banornumak, came to pay us a visit.

It is always great when people from the government of the municipality show interest in the Lumen Mundi Foundation. Because, for a N.G.O. as we are, it is important to be excepted and known in the Builsa municipality.

And it is even greater when they give you a considerable check! Thank you so very very much for that! The money will be well spent responsibly.

We gave them an introduction about the school and the children. And of course they also visited the workshop. We saw they were very impressed!

The Naasa nurses also met the M.C.E. and the district coordinator. That was just luck, because they visited us on a totally different matter, but very important. Honourable Madam Vida Anab has been a nurse herself, and she was one of people that took the initiative to build in every community a health center. So they had a lot to talk about! And, as you can also read in our policy plan: the Naasa health center will be located at the Lumen Mundi premises.

We wish and pray that the cooperation between Builsa Municipality and the Lumen Mundi Foundation will be positively continued.