I'm Richmond. I come to school every day and say loud and clear to all the people 'Adoe...!' (which is Twi for 'hello') I want the grownups to lift me out of the MotorKing and then carry me to my seat. But unfortunately that doesn't happen often, because I can walk myself. I prefer to play with my balance-bike. The hardest for me is making a jigsaw puzzle.

My name is Asiuk. I walk to school every day, pushing Saviour in her wheelchair. This is possible because we both live in Siniensi. I like to help her, she is my friend. I love to learn and always come to school happy. I think I like building with Duplo best. But also the swing and the big tractor. After school I sing with Madam Margaret ‘Bye-bye to all the children in the MotorKing. Then I go home with Saviour.

My name is Saviour. I am very happy that Asiuk pushes me to school every day. We have a lot of fun together. I work in a small group that is not allowed to play much. I find that very difficult, but it is getting better. I really enjoy playing pranks on the teachers. Usually I am very shy, but then I have to laugh very loud.

My name is Asianab. I prefer to play with all the cars, but unfortunately I also have to share them with the other children. I also like to sit on the swing. I'm learning a lot. I don't always like that, but when somebody gives me a compliment, I am very proud and happy!

My name is Abraham. I also like going to school, but I cannot go every day. That's why it is hard remembering what I have learned. But, I keep on trying. I'm afraid to say something I'm not sure about. I often translate what Madam Margaret says to another child. I like playing with the dumper truck. Football is one of my favorite games.

My name is Junior. But actually it is Benjamin. Everybody calls me Junior, because my father’s name is Benjamin too. I like coming to school because I can play there. I prefer to play with anything that has wheels. Especially with Gilbert's wheelchair. But that's usually not allowed. If someone plays with the cars, I quickly go to participate.

My name is Faith. My best friend is Dora. I've been at the Lumen Mundi school since the beginning. I find doing jigsaw puzzles very difficult and no fun, but I can do it quite well. I practice speaking a lot, because that is very hard for me. I love playing together with Dora. I also help a lot. For example: After opening of the school day, I serve food for everyone.

My name is Dora. I am one of the oldest in the class. I know Madam Margaret a long time, since the first year in the primary school; but I don’t remember that any more. I really like helping in class. I clear up the mess others have left after meals. I want to learn a lot, but it’s difficult. Faith is my best friend.

My name is Alvin. I get very upset if I can’t get to school. I want to learn things, even though that’s very hard for me. I’m spastic and often throw things to the ground. I don’t do that on purpose but not everyone understands. That upsets me. I like sitting with Madam Margaret and love if she puts me on her lap and helps me with my schoolwork.

My name is David. Together with Dora, I am the oldest of the group. I like helping other children, but sometimes I prefer to play by myself. Cycling is great! I find learning things really difficult. I laugh and joke a lot. My favorite song: 'I know my level‘!

My name is Tina. I play a lot in class. Mealtimes are the best part of school. I prefer to play by myself. I sing if I feel like it. That’s why I like the  start of the day best – with singing and making music. I also like lying in the net-swing.

My name is Elijah. Sadly, we have to inform you that Elijah passed away on 02-01-2024. We wish his parents, brothers and sisters the strength they need to overcome this loss. We will miss him paa!

May he rest in peace.

My name is Gilbert. I like helping but I can’t always because I get spasms and can’t walk by myself. But I’m still helpful; during playtime sometimes two of the other children come and sit on my lap and we all go in my wheelchair to the swing. I like joking, especially with Pepe (who is really called Godfred and is the driver of the MotorKing). I’m steadily learning to do more things by myself and I’m proud of that!

My name is Ezekiel. I enjoy the lessons, only I find it difficult when the others are finished and can play while I’m still working. But I don’t give up! I can do difficult sums. It’s easy using the counters. When the teacher goes to the other group he puts me in charge. I find that great, especially if I’m allowed to sit on his swivel-chair!

My name is Apatawen. My voice is not very loud, and my arms and legs are not very strong, but I am so happy I can go to school now! Fortunately, everything is getting better by doing exercises, which makes me even more happy! I love playing with the cars, and luckily I am often allowed to do so. But I don’t like it when somebody takes them away from me.

My name is Lois, I’m from Sandema. My parents and my grandmother look after me. I like going to school and I laugh a lot. Best of all I like to lie on the net-swing. I do exercises as well. I don’t like that because they sometimes hurt, but I hope that the exercises will help my muscles to become more supple. Maybe then I’ll be able to learn to sit and even to walk when I grow up.

My name is Rosemund. I live in Sandema. I like going to school. I play with toy cars and building blocks. And I like playing with the ball. I worm my way like a tiger over the ground to get where I want to be. Sometimes the adults can’t find me right away – then I’ve got all the way to the other side of the class. I’m hoping I can learn to walk and talk!

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