17. ‘emergency’ kitchen

What we, I, had not thought of, was that we need to cook. I had thought of that, but not about the fact that there must be a place for it. Martha is our cook, and she has been cooking in the full sun for the first 3 days. That didn't make her happy. She looked like she took a bath with clothes on! 

Richard and Kojo immediately started making an 'emergency kitchen'. Now a kitchen in Ghana is not like in the Netherlands a room with sinks, a gas stove, an extractor hood, and a dishwasher. Here a kitchen consists of a room where you cook on a 'colepot'. It looks a bit like a car wheel, maybe it's even made of that. Charcoal is put in it and a huge cooking pot is put on it. Mary finds our pans too heavy and too inconvenient here. (Sjaak, your huge pan is used every day!) 

Because of the smoke, it is best to cook outside. But because the rainy season is coming and because cooking in full sun is absolutely not nice, there is now an 'emergency kitchen'. ‘Glued’ to our building at the back. Made of roofing sheets. 

To be able to guarantee hygiene a bit, there is a floor of unused cement stones. At least this can be swept! The construction of the new kitchen was started by making gravel stones. 

And we continue to build...


18. visit


16. wow… a month