19. developments

First of all, I decided not to go to school on Wednesdays anymore. Since the school is open I work more or less 7 days a week, and that's too much! Especially during the hot season: temperatures above 40°C are no exception! I still work on the Wednesdays, but my alarm does not go at 5.30 am. and I can take a break whenever I want. I then devote myself to 'director's tasks': writing e-mails, visiting people,doing the cash book, etc. 

This week we experienced a few nice moments: Loïs can sit for a short moment. She is also increasingly keeping her head straight. (Usually her head falls back.) Nice to see! 

Alvin, spastic, appears to be able to drink independently: when we put a cup on the floor, he crawls to it extremely carefully. Then he takes the cup tightly into his mouth and slowly pours the water inside: without messing! When I give him water, he gets incredibly wet, because half of it usually runs over him. 

Gilbert loves to build with the Duplo. Of course, he can, but he also has to work. Gilbert is normally intelligent, as far as we have been able to determine. It took a while before we convinced him he has to do his job first and then gets to work with the Duplo. Super! 

Faith, who we suspect has autism, is working better and better. We make her world as predictable as possible. It's still difficult, but she's definitely making progress! It is probably also difficult for her, because there were never any demands on her at school: she did not have to do anything, was only experienced as difficult.


20. alvin drinks


18. visit