At the Lumen Mundi School children learn by another way of teaching than in other schools in Ghana. We work a lot with materials and explain things in several different ways. Once we have explained something we let the children put it into practice. For example, when teaching numbers we count to 10; then when cups are needed at mealtime we ask the children to bring 6 cups. In this way the children learn that numbers have a practical use and are not just abstract words with no meaning.

“Let’s-Talk-About” books will be made over a lot of topics so that when we go on field-trips the children will already know a lot about what they see and do.

We also give practical lessons. These are sometimes for an individual’s benefit, such as how to take a shower or how to do the laundry. In the future there will be lessons for the older children in our community-based workshop. You can read more about this under the next heading.

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