
Provide education to children with an intellectual and/or physical disability, at their own individual level, and with attention for their personal needs, so that they learn to rely on themselves as far as possible, and can look after themselves in the future at least in part.

To help also children who only have a physical handicap, by giving them extra training and improving their mobility (by, for instance, a wheel chair or walker), so that they are able to attend a mainstream school.


EVERY child is unique, every child is meaningful, every child has the right to develop and is entitled to a future.

The main points to reach out goal are:

  • Build a school and appoint a skilled team to educate the children.

  •  Support parents, caregivers and teachers in acceptation of the child and dealing with it (care taking, nutrition, clothing, teaching); in having an eye for the child’s talents and developing these at its individual level.

  • Show the communities around these children that they are not creepy or frightening, that they have talents and that a disabled child is not a punishment from God. Make the children visible by excursions in the community, shared playgrounds, going to the market together, organizing performances and lectures in the school, and involving non-disabled children in the school.

  • Cooperate with Social Welfare, Ghana Education Service and the local schools, to get their support for students with only a physical disability, who can connect to a regular primary school in due time.

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