The LUMEN MUNDI Foundation sees the environmental challenge as focus to keep the world safe for all beings, including the intellectual and/or physical challenged persons.


  • Set up a sensory room.

  • Finish the fence around the property of the foundation.

  • Obtain a bus for transporting the children.

  • Build a proper kitchen.

  • Prepare the second classroom, so it can be used by the seamstresses during the hot season.

  • Investigate if a second class can be started for a second group of children.

  • Install in the school a small health centre for the Naasa community, as a dependency of Siniensi clinic.

  • Develop saleable products to be produced in the Lumen Mundi community-based workshop.

  • Expand training possibilities for young adults in the Lumen Mundi community-based workshop.

  • Investigate the possibilities for making woven products (e.g. shopping bags, curtains, sunshades) from waste material (like plastic, cloth) in the Lumen Mundi community-based workshop.

  • Obtain retail space in Sandema where Lumen Mundi products can be sold.

  • Find sponsoring for solar panels.

  • Develop a plan to generate extra income by investigating the possibilities for a private school.


  • Enlarge the small vegetable garden at the back of the school. The vegetables are grown with natural fertilizer and the schools own green waste. The vegetables that are not needed for school meals will be sold.

  • Train the local farmers, using our garden as an example. The grazing life stock will switch land with the garden every second year.

  • Develop new saleable products to be made in the Lumen Mundi community-based workshop.

  • Attract a physiotherapist or a physiotherapist in training, either from Ghana or from the Netherlands or Belgium.

  • Develop a plan for building some houses near the school, where the children will be able to live in small groups, either during school weeks or full time.


  • Expand the number of goats and guinea fowls, for our own consumption, or to sell.

  • Start rearing chickens and pigs, for our own consumption, or to sell.

  • Make a pool for fish-farming. The fish that is not needed for school meals will be sold.

Continuous activities

  • Search for possibilities for extra income and support in Ghana.

  • Provide support to the parents, the caregivers and teachers in acceptation of these children to deal with their disabilities regarding care, nutrition, clothing and teaching; in having an eye for the child’s talents and developing these at its personal level.

  • Make the children visible in a positive manner by excursions in the community and shared playgrounds. Non-disabled children will be involved in the school.

  • Organise several training courses at the community-based workshop. Apprentices will get a diploma when finishing a training of 2 or 3 years, depending on the type of training.

  • Organise short training courses (on-demand courses).

  • Cooperation with Social Welfare, Ghana Education Service, and the local schools to get their support for students with only a physical disability, who may attend a regular primary school in due time.

  • Maintain good contacts with The District Assembly, Ghana Education Service, Social Welfare and Ghana Federation of Disability Organisations.

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