20. alvin drinks

In the beginning we had no electricity, so no working refrigerator. We bought sachets water, because they are cold. I can assure you that at these temperatures (40+) that is really necessary. 

Alvin always wants to drink. It is also the only word he can say: Njum! (Water in Buli) So we give him water from a sachet: I bite off a corner and then I 'spray' it into his wide-open mouth. (Very happy with our cement floor, because that often goes wrong.) 

Now the electricity works (first only 5 minutes because we got an old bad meter, and now a meter that costs us almost 10 Ghana cedi per day... for comparison: at home I pay together with my neighbors around 80 Ghana cedi for a whole month. So I have to go after that on Monday!) we can drink water from the tap, which we cool in the refrigerator. Fortunately, the groundwater is of a very good quality! 

Because we want the children to do as much as possible themselves, we also want Alvin to drink himself. We put a half-filled cup on the floor. He then crawls towards it extremely carefully. That alone is difficult for him because he suffers a from severe spasms. Then he takes, also very carefully, the cup in his mouth. He then picks it tight in his mouth: I really can't get it out anymore! And then very carefully he pours it in. Usually that goes even without spoiling anything on the floor. (Of course, not in the pictures!  😉)


21. toilets


19. developments