52. Visit ADDRO

On Thursday 23 November, ADDRO visited the Lumen Mundi Foundation. And that wasn't just any visit. We received a huge donation! They visited us because of International Children's Day.

ADDRO stands for: Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization. The visitors were: Prince Imoro Awimba and Anyelgum Sylvester. Later, volunteers from Addro also came from Siniensi.

Of course we first gave a tour. First, the workshop. It is wonderful to see that people are really impressed by how the workshop looks like. It's really great! And it's going to get even better! Richard and his men are busy creating a beautiful exhibition space. Everything is getting better and more beautiful organized.

Then we showed the school. The children were at that moment playing outside, so there was really fast contact between the people of ADDRO and the children. They also got a positive impression of the school. They are also going to offer us support for the garden in the form of seeds!

And then it was time for the donation! We received rice for a whole year, oil for half a year, lots of bars of soap, liquid soap and soap powder. And on top of that, diapers and toilet paper. We were completely impressed. Finally, we were also interviewed by Gilbert Azeem Tiroog of Ghana Online News. You can follow the link for this! It turned out to be a beautiful piece!





53. Christmas play


51. the workshop