44. sustainability

Richard has been to Kumasi and Accra. He did some shopping there for the workshop. Our container is now used for storage, but in future workshops will be given in it. 

Richard has bought material to make a fire that we can use to melt aluminum. People cook in aluminum pots. Furthermore, there is a lot of aluminum for the taking: soft drink cans, just on the floor! A cooking pot cannot be repaired but must be melted down. Part of our aluminum workshop is making new pots, but also re-casting the broken onces. For that we will use residual material. Fortunately, there are already people who collect everything that is broken. We are going to see if we can buy aluminum from them. And what is absolutely great: a man with experience in this work, made the fire pit for us and teaches us how to do it! First we practice ourselves and then we go for the sale. 

A second workshop, which we can give right away, is cooking with the cooking bag. Jon, from foundation Kupika in Uganda Lumen Mundi donated 39 cooking bags (because he gave one to someone else...) And, when these run out, we'll get another 40! Terrific!!! Super happy with it. 

Richard also bought 'home made bicycles'. These are second-hand bicycles from Europe and America. The second-hand bicycles are arriving in Africa in containers. These are bought, refurbished, and sold.

How exactly we are going to organize this is not yet entirely clear, but we want to involve the older people with a disability in this. 

We start being sustainable!


45. back in ghana


43. P.T.A. meeting