45. back in ghana

What a wonderful holiday I had! Enjoyed family and friends, bought a lot for the Lumen Mundi Foundation in Ghana and really enjoyed the wonderful weather!!

When I returned to Siniensi I found the following: The fence is more than 3/4 done. To reduce costs (how expensive such a fence is!) they have alternated iron poles with wooden poles. Mesh, in between. Barbed wire needs to be added. The rest of the fence will be built of stones and will have the same appearance as the workshop. (See photo.)

I also found very enthusiastic children, who were all very happy to see me again. Luckily....

I came back in a bit of a confusing time. It was not clear when the vacation days were. Ghana Education Service has postponed the academic year due to Covid. Now that must be reversed in six months. That means we have very little vacation.

But we also have free holidays. It's not entirely clear when they are. They are planned nationally, but the region can also change that. So, we had a couple of weeks where there were very few kids. Hopefully, that will be all right again!

The children and staff have given me a warm welcome: a report has been written about the time I was not there; there were drawings and balloons.

There was also singing: a really warm welcome! I'm very happy to be back!


46. progress


44. sustainability