43. P.T.A. meeting

Almost all parents were present and the parents who could not come asked us to let them know what has been discussed. In addition, these parents had a very good reason not to come. You can't really imagine this in the Netherlands, at least that's my experience. 

We get a school uniform. What I actually just realized during the meeting, the colors are those of Oss (the town I was born.): yellow and blue. For blue, for the long pants or skirt, is especially chosen because of Gilbert, Alvin and Ezekiel. Both boys wear out quite a few trousers, because they crawl. The blue pants can therefore be replaced by jeans. Yellow was chosen because it is a beautiful bright color. The parents were very enthusiastic.

Furthermore, the parents will contribute to the fuel costs. Every day they pay 1 cedi for the transport. That helps us move forward a little bit. One of the parents suggested paying more, but that was just too much for some. Now we can expect extra money right from the heart of the parents. People who can afford that. 

We will take care of the extension of the insurance. The parents must pay for it themselves. This means that we let the parents know that the insurance has expired and that they can transfer the money or give it through their child. 

We are going to invite the parents 1x a year to have a longer conversation, only about their child. With this we keep the parents informed of what we do, plus we can discuss what the parents expect from us and what we expect from the parents. 

Much more has been discussed, but that's going to be too much to write all that down here. It was a very good meeting, in which everyone participated actively. We also have a new student Asiuk since Friday. His mother was also there: with a 5-day-old baby! 

At the end of the meeting, all the parents clapped for the children. We were in the classroom and the children just kept working! Terrific! 


44. sustainability


42. spending money