42. spending money

Recently we have set up an action through the foundation Geef to be able to build a fence. We desperately need that: the goats, cows, sheep and donkeys eat our crops, and sometimes motorcycles and MotorKings drive at a brisk pace over our terrain

That is obviously not safe for our children, who do not watch out at all when they are playing. 

But, we used the raised money to make a small fence so that our peppers can grow. The big fence must wait, because we now need the money first for daily life and to invest, so we can also maintain that 'daily life' longer. Prices are also skyrocketing here! Investments we are going to do: collecting aluminum and melting it down into all sizes of cooking pots and other consumer items.

There is a good market for that, and we also use the empty cans which are everywhere on the floor here. Positive against climate-change!

At the moment Ricahard is in Accra, to inquire whether it is feasible for us to buy, refurbish and sell second-hand bikes from Europe. Both Richard and Daniël have experience in refurbishing bicycles. 


43. P.T.A. meeting


41. Junior sick…