41. Junior sick…

Thursday, September 22nd started just like every day. MotorKing arrives at the school, we sing and start with breakfast. Nothing special. Junior just didn't want to eat. Later it turned out that he had not eaten at home either.

Junior always walks around and usually plays on his own outside. At one point we hear him cry loudly. Mary goes to check what is happening and feels that he feels very warm. We waited for another half hour, but it didn't get any better. So Mary, Junior and I drove together to Siniensi clinic. 

From registration (weighing, taking temperature) to the doctor. At the doctor's room there is an examination table and one of our beds! I suspect that the doctor rests on that if there are no patients. With his shoes on, because the mattress already has a nice hole...

Junior could be followed everywhere: he cried with every move we made. He sounded like a siren! He is a child with autism. It was very difficult to reassure him. 

The doctor sent us to the laboratory for a malaria test. There a finger prick was done: the crying went up sharply in volume. Indeed... malaria. And, the medication consisted, among other things, of two (!) injections: one in each buttock. Junior 'hung' on Mary's lap, a nurse held his legs and I held his arms. (Unfortunately close to his mouth. He bit me a firmly.)

Fortunately, he fell asleep soon after the injections. After the injections we had to wait 2 times for half an hour whether the fever indeed subsided. Fortunately, that was the case and we were able to return to school. He didn't eat there, but he soon played on the veranda again. 


42. spending money


40. after the holiday