48. start new academic year

After a wonderful and well-deserved holiday, we started the new academic year. Almost all the children were present the first week. Super! We had called everyone personally, to indicate that the holiday was over. The first week was fun, hectic and of course full of surprises.

First of all, it was great to see everyone fresh in class again. Both the children and the staff. Nice to chat, joke and work again, because of course we do.

The first week we immediately had 2 children who got sick at school. Gilbert who went to Siniensi clinic and Ezekiel who got malaria at school.

On Wednesday we were visited by yam vendors from the Upper-West. They were so enthusiastic that they are going to collect water sachets for us and bring that when they start selling yam on the market. Furthermore, 2 ladies from the organization came who sprayed the school against the mosquitoes. (I'm not sure how to describe that.) One of them bought a chop box. Just made new in our workshop. Super.

And, last but not least, on Friday, Richard and I were called away because the director of Ghana Education Service had lost her brother. So we went to the funeral; which is not entirely true. We were late and eventually we could give our condolences at her house.



49. Mary has baby


47. the fence