56. sensory room

Last week we, together with the people of SOS-Ghana, worked hard to set up our sensory-room. They, Sophie, Chris and Neele, spent a whole day crafting with the people of the workshop to make materials. The Ladies of the Silk Thread gave us a music mobile and a ‘snooze’ light. And from both organizations a contribution to furnish this special room.

Richard and his apprentice Asiawen made a door, hung a hammock, and attached everything to the wall or ceiling, I further decorated the room. It was a fun job.

The project is not completed yet, there still needs to be a shelf for the snooze-light and the remote control; the curtains still need to be sewn and a solution needs to be found to make the floor more solid.

We have chosen yoga mats, because they are easy to clean, in combination with bathmats of different bright colors. Only that shifts quite a bit. So we're probably going to glue it on the floor, which means that the interior can't be changed that easily.

The first 3 children tested the sensory room on Friday. All I can say is that it was a huge success!

Everyone who has contributed, practically or financially, on behalf of the children: Thank you very much!!


57. Akanzereba


55. We have a minibus!