Blog 61. Daily routine

We have a fixed routine at our school. That sometimes goes wrong, because of the rain we arrive later (You really can't drive safely!), or because children are a little later at the pick-up point or....

Usually, we arrive at school at about 9 o'clock. The children who can't go themselves are brought to their place. This does not apply to Lois and Rosemund. They are first placed in their playground because they cannot sit on their own. When everything is organized, Mary and Godfred take them on their laps.

In the meantime, all the bags are put on the piano, by staff and children, and breakfast is already taken out and put on the piano. The bags of the 'diaper'-children go to the bathroom.

When everyone is seated in the circle, David, Asiuk, Asianab or Faith will hand out the musical instruments. A small difficulty for them still is, that they must choose last for an instrument... That's tricky!

Once that's done, we'll start with the regular greetings. Then we sing, with musical accompaniment from everyone, 4 songs: to welcome everyone; practice the days of the week; to greet God. This is followed up by pronouning letters, writing them in the air, and coming up with words together. Everyone is involved. Also the children who can't talk, or just did not reach that level yet. We conclude with a short circle discussion about what has happened at home.

Then comes breakfast. We often share together. Not everyone gets breakfast at home. Most of the time, David, Asiuk or Faith help clean up before classes start.

Lessons are given in 2 groups. A group that we think will eventually be able to make the transition to regular education. And a group that has much more difficulty learning. There is a third group, they get a massage, physical exercises, or play in the soft room or outside on the swing.

At 12 o'clock we eat a hot meal. The children who can help take turns washing the dishes, while the other children play outside.

The afternoon is for crafts, finishing work, making music or for the musical end of the week.

The closing starts with a very short song for each child separately, while Mary, Godfred or Margreet (or all together) cuddles or tickles the child. Then everything and everyone, going to Sandema, goes back in the bus, and when a child arrives where he or she gets out, we sing the same song again! (To get that out of your head when you get home!)


Blog 62. The Story of Apatawen. (A longer story than usual.)


60. Say goodbye party for Dora