60. Say goodbye party for Dora

Farewell Dora.

This is how we celebrate a farewell!!!

In the past year, 3 children have left without any notice, unfortunately.

But we did know about Dora! So we organized a good farewell, which Dora and we will not be able to forget.

The day of Dora's farewell was also the day we went for holiday. So, a double party. We started making a booklet for Dora. Everyone made a drawing and wrote a story to go with it. All the children, the staff and also the people of the workshop. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun to do!

We had dinner together for the last time on the porch, because inside everything was ready for the big party. Godfred and Martha took care of the drumming, under the guidance of Mary the children were dancing! Even the children who can't walk. It was a super party, with a treat.

The best thing to do is just look at the pictures and the video. Then you will see exactly how much we all enjoyed ourselves.

After this party, Godfred and Margreet brought Dora home. She took her book with her and showed it to her mother. And of course all the works she made at school!

Dora is moving to Kumasi. How we will miss her! Especially Faith and David: her best friends forever!


Blog 61. Daily routine


Passing grandmother Dora