38. after a long break

On the Monday, after 3 weeks not going to school, I had to ride with the Motorking, because Mary could not go to school this week. I was at the bus station early, but Dora was there much earlier! She comes at half past eight, while we only leave at half past nine. It was a nice reunion! Dora proudly showed me her new food bowl: It was a 'real' silver! 

In the MotorKing I saw most of the other students again. That was a lot of fun! Nice for me to notice that I was really missed! And I missed them a lot!!!

During the lunch break, David and Richmond went cycling. David is not allowed to do that very often, because we have to keep an eye on him constantly. Kojo has already found him on the road from Siniensi to Sandema! But this day they went on an adventure together; David on a real bike and Richmond on a ‘walking’ bike, which is way too small for him, but for him it's a real bike! It was beautiful to see. Together with the children of Naasa they experienced a few adventures, which for me were not to follow! But they enjoyed!

Godfred thought that it would be good for Richmond to ride a real bike. That gives 2 problems: David who does not want to give up 'his' bike, and Richmond who does not dare to start something new. He leaned heavily on Godfred, but he lasted a whole round!


39. a day at school


37. games