34. inspection

Friday we had an inspection from four nurses of Siniensi clinic. I was a bit shocked because inspections like that in the Netherlands are really strict!

But fortunately it wasn't that bad: There has to be a waste bin in the kitchen. Furthermore, they were very enthusiastic about the building and the children.

One of the nurses has a psychiatric note. I am very happy with that. Can we look at the children together and draw up a treatment plan? (The psychiatrist who was supposed to come hasn't been there yet, but he's expected soon.) She also immediately asked if we are still taking children. And we do.

 From Siniensi it is only Saviour who comes. There would be another child, but these parents want to try it at the regular school first.

There was also a nurse who works in/for the Naasa community. At the moment he works mainly in the clinic, because there is no accommodation for him. We discussed that if we can start building again (the money is completely finished) we will not only make housing for the children and their caregivers, but also provide an infirmary. This is useful for the children when they are sick, but can also be used by the Naasa community.


35. new students


33. alvin