29. song & rhymes

Because I have been away for a week, Daniel and Mary worked alone with the kids. It all went well! (I have to hand over the reins... difficult!!!!) 

Loïs tried to sit up this week. Terrific! The exercises that Mary does with her work well! Gilbert, who suffers a lot from spasms, is now trying to urinate without help. It's great that he tries that and so practices himself: self-reliance! If he goes to a 'normal' school, no one has to worry about that anymore and no one can laugh at him because he cannot go to the toilet on his own! 

What was very nice for me: on Thursday I got a call from Richard and he gave the phone to several children. Great to hear that the children are happy when they hear my voice... and I was maybe more happy to hear the voices of the children again: I really missed them! It was almost time to go home: Daniel and I sang the farewell song together for the children. Me by phone and Daniel live. Sometimes slightly uneven but it was received very enthusiastically!

Mary has taken the initiative to teach the children songs and rhymes: the children are very enthusiastic and sing along (as far as they can) from the top of their lungs! (For me a lot of songs to learn! Fortunately, they are all in English!)


30. intergration


28.mothers day gift