26. ten wheelchairs

On Tuesday, April 12th , we were invited to come to the organization for the disabled here in Sandema. I already knew the chairman, Francis Master, through Paul. Francis heard what the Lumen Mundi Foundation stands for and offered to help us: the first opportunity that arose was these 10 wheelchairs. Great, right? 

At 9 o'clock in the morning we had to be at the building of the association. That's in Sandema, so now only Saviour had to travel far. But she was lucky: it was market in Sandema, so her mother decided to travel to Sandema with Saviour and her sister in a market tro. Everyone was there. Not only on time, but also in their best clothes! Nice to see that! 

Unfortunately, the chairman and the regional chair(wo)man were not yet present. Now the building is near a kindergarten, where Louise and I, when we were both VSO (Volunteer Services Overseas) volunteers, built a playground. We found the climbing equipment, a merry-go-round and 3 slides neatly stored in a small room... Louise has invested some money and Kojo (who now works for Lumen Mundi) has installed the playground equipment. And we have now gratefully made use of it! 

The children were on a merry-go-round for the first time in their lives. Abraham was terrified and very happy that he could get out again. But Faith and Gilbert couldn't get enough of it. Even Alvin has been in it... without falling out! Terrific. Enjoying, with a smile on their faces for 7 days sunshine! We enjoyed the merry-go-round and then we started our meal. At 11 o'clock everyone was present and the official part could start. After some short speeches we were officially handed over the wheelchairs. Super happy!


27. after handover


25. lazy afternoon