10. THE program.

What an exciting week we have had! It was wonderful to see how the first MotorKing journey began from the post office. Of course African approximate time, but in the end they took off. Richard, Kojo, Phillip the driver, and Martha the cook, put the children in the MotorKing and secured them with the safety bands.

Unfortunately, they are too short, but with some creativity and knots it worked out. Of course I took pictures.

At 10 o'clock the everybody arrived at school. 

We initially made groups, but we later changed that into a large circle. There we open and close every day with a song. Then they eat, because some children have not had breakfast. We are going to try to give porridge, which must be bought. Then we all go outside. 

At about 11 o'clock we start working. Daniel, the assistant teacher, works with the children who can learn. This week I worked with the lower level children. Martha, our cook, has the food ready around half past twelve, so then we eat. Everyone present helps the children who cannot eat independently. Done: brush your teeth and go outside. 

This is followed by another round of learning. And then we go home home.


On Thursday we decided to start putting the kids in the MotorKing at 2 o'clock. Then we are really at 3 o'clock in Sandema.


11. first week


9. the motorking