24. P.T.A. meeting

We had a stakeholder meeting before the school started. Many parents attended, but this was our first real P.T.A. meeting. A small miracle: give the invitation on Monday when the meeting is on Wednesday and all parents attend: Try that in the Netherlands!

Almost everyone was present. But instead of parents, there also attended a grandmother, and a brother. In the Netherlands you do not see that. And what I find special: there was a mother, but her son lives with someone else. The information always comes through to the right people, and that is very pleasant! 

The agenda was short: what to do with the vacations and whether there are challenges experienced. 

For the holidays it has been decided that we keep the dates of the public schools. We now know when the holidays start, but no one knows when we will go back to school. We'll have to figure that out. The opening times of the school were experienced as a challenge; with underlying problem of arriving on time; both from our MotoKing and the children. It turns out that everyone sometimes arrives (much) too late. It was agreed to gather at the post office at 8 o'clock and to leave at a quarter past 8.

We are going to close a little earlier, so that we are back in Sandema at 3 o'clock. 

This short agenda lasted about 2 hours ☹ But it was definitely worth it. And it resulted in our first group photo of children, parents and staff!


25. lazy afternoon


23. real education