63. ‘Bottle’ chair; a chair for outside

First, Richard, Godfred and our American guests Sam and Lydia went to a primary school in Siniensi. They were talking about waste material; When is something really waste and when can it be reused/upcycled. Then, together with the school children, they collected a lot of waste from the area.

When they got back to the Lumen Mundi School, all of us (kids, school staff, and community-based workshop staff) filled the bottles, cans, and anything that might hold sand. Meanwhile, the children practiced how to help each other, and Asiuk came up with a tool to make filling the bottles easier! Asianab and Faith took the bottles to the place where the chair would be built.

Our seamstress Felicity mixed the cement, so it was ready to use! To be honest, I didn't recognize her in her overalls at first!

Our workshop leader Sophia dug the foundation and put chippings in it, with cement on top. Then it was time for the first layer of bottles that forms the foundation. The foundation is covered with cement, when the height is reached to start the chair. Then we built the chair. Before you close the seat, we have put 'real' waste in it, so that it does not have to be incinerated. Maybe not the best way to get rid of your trash, but always better than burning!

Later we will plaster the chair and, at the special request of Sam and Lydia, we will also make cushions!

Thank you Sophia and Mary.


Blog 64 New students


Blog 62. The Story of Apatawen. (A longer story than usual.)